Sunday, 11 November 2007

Pottered History - 1st Bn York & Lancs

2 Bn 12th Regiment of Foot

1756 - London
1758 - Renamed 65th

65th Regiment of Foot

1758 - West Indies
1759 - Guadeloupe
1762 - Martinique, Cuba
1764 - England
1769 - Massachusetts, Boston
1755 - Bunker Hill
1776 - England
1780 - Margate, Kent
1782 - Renamed

65th (2ndYorkshire North Riding) Regiment of Foot

1782 - Gibraltar
1783 - Ireland
1784 - Canada
1791 - Nova Scotia
1793 - West Indies
1794 - England & Scotland
1800 - South Africa (Regt split into 2 Coys Ceylon & 2 Coys Kandian)
1803 - Bombay, Surat
1804 - Baroda, Indore, Kotah, Malwa
1805 - Bhurtpore, Dholpore, Bundelcund, Kotah
1806 - Surat
1809 - Surat
1810 - Bombay (see note 1)
1811 - Bombay
1812 - Dhewrah
1813 - Baroda
1815 - Fort Anjar, Kutch, Booj
1816 - Booj, Ahmednuggar (see note 2), Bombay
1817 - Kirkee, Coryguam, Poona
1818 - Coryguam (see note 3)
1819 - Fort George, Kutch, Sirur
1820 - Kirkee, Poona, Kutch, Surat
1821 - See note 4
1822 - Bombay
1822 (Aug) - England & Scotland

1824 - Ireland
1845 - England

1829 - West Indies & Demerara

1837 - Nova Scotia

1841(Aug) - England
1843 - Ireland
1845 - New South Wales
1847 - Wellington
1851 - England, Chatham

1853 (May) - Tasmania

1853 (July) - Wellington
1863 - Auckland
1865 (Oct) - Depart NZ for England
1867 - Ireland
1871 - India
1873 - Pontefract, England
1881 - Renamed (See Note 5)

1st Bn York & Lancs Regiment

1881 - India: Bengal

1882 - Aden
1884 (Feb) - Sudan
1884 (Sept) - England: Dover

1885 - Sheffield

1888 - Ireland: Birr

1891 - Cork

1895 - England: Colchester

1899 - South Africa 11 Bde

1902 - India: Mhow

1905 - Quetta

1910 - Karachi

1913 - Jubbulpore

1915 - France and Flanders 28 Div

1915 - Macedonia
1919 - Tidworth
1921 - Ireland: Clomel
1922 - Germany
1924 - Aldershot
1928 - Londonderry
1932 - Portsmouth
1935 - York
1936 - Egypt
1937 - Palestine, York
1939 - France & Belgium (BEF)
1940 - UK & Norway
1942 - India, Persia & Iraq
1943 - Iraq, Palestine, Syria, Egypt, Sicily & Italy
1944 - Egypt, Palestine & Syria
1945 - NW Europe, Germany
1948 - (see note 6)
1952 - Sudan & Egypt
1955 - UK
1956 - Suez, UK
1958 - Aden
1959 - Berlin
1962 - Germany: Munster
1963 - Swaziland
1965 - Cyprus
1966 - 1 x Coy Aden (B Coy)
1968 - UK, North Weald, Essex
1968 - Disbanded


1. 1809 The 65th was sent from Bombay to Arabia as part of an expeditionary force to suppress Qawasim pirates who preyed on shipping in the Persian Gulf. After destroying several pirate forts it returned to India.

2. The action in Arabia of 1809 only served to suppress Arabic pirate activity for a few years, and did not destroy it completely. In 1817, the 65th was again sent to the Persian Gulf and this time they succeeded in destroying all pirate forts and forcing the Arab chiefs of the pirates to submit to British dominion. For this action, and the one of 1809, the 65th was awarded the unique battle honour 'Arabia'.

3. The 65th Regiment of Foot played a significant part in the
Pindari Campaign or 3rd Mahratta War

4. The 65th were again called to Arabia to fight pirates, this time members of the Beni Bu Ali tribe. Once more, all the pirate forts and ships were destroyed.

5. Amalgamated with 84th to form 1st & 2nd Bn York & Lancs Regiment

6. Amalgamated with 2nd Bn without change of Title.

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